How Do I Give?
There are many ways to show your community God's love through the resources He has blessed you with. Here is a list with some options that might work for you!
Common Ways to Give
Place cash in the offering plate or drop it by the office. Put it in an offering envelope to receive credit on your giving statement
You can text "Give" to 308-222-3158. You will receive a text with further giving instructions. After your initial text gift, you can simply text an amount to give over text.
Contact your financial advisor to direct IRA distributions to the church.
Remember the church in your will or trust.
Place a check in the offering plate, drop it by the office, or send it by mail to:
4500 Linden Dr.
Kearney, NE 68847
Contact Jen in the office to set up recurring offering on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th &/or 5th Monday of each month using a bank account.
Contact your financial advisor to transfer stock to the church
Online Giving
Visit the Give Online page of our website or Give Online tab of our mobile app to set up a one-time or recurring gift using a bank account, debit card, credit card, or Google Pay.
Bank Bill Pay
Contact your bank to see if they have a bill pay option.
Cash basis farmers can transfer crops to the church. Contact Jen in the church office to arrange for your delivery location to have our information.
Ways to Make Your Giving Last Longer:
Birthday Builders Club
These donations assist the Trustees in updating and maintaining our building and property. The donation amount is based on how old our church is and can be given annually or on your own schedule. Our church is 151 years old this year making all Birthday Builders donations $151.
Music Endowment*
These donations will help provide long term funding for our music programs once it is funded.
Greatest Needs Endowment*
These donations assist various ministries within the church through annual grants.
Youth Endowment*
These donations will help provide long term funding for our youth programs once it is funded.
Building Endowment*
These donations assist the Trustees in updating and maintaining our building and property.
Named Fund Endowment*
Create a fund in a name of your choosing with an initial deposit of $5000
*Endowments held at Nebraska United Methodist Foundation*
NOTE: Taxpayers should always consult their tax preparer to determine the tax implication prior to making a gift.
Looking for more information about the Endowment Fund? Download our informational brochure below!