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COVID-19 Response and Policies (In process of being updated)

Kearney First United Methodist Church will be having in-person services at 8:15 AM,  9:00 AM, and 11:00 AM each Sunday going forward. Online sermons will still be available indefinitely through our Sermon Share Streaming.  The current week's sermons will go live at 8:15 AM, 9:00 AM, and 11:00 AM on Sundays, and all prior sermons can be accessed at any time.

Ways we have prepared the facility:

  • Sanctuary and foyer sanitized and arranged to conform to 6ft social distancing guidelines.

    • We ask that you move any socialization to the Gathering Area or the church grounds after the 9:00 AM service to allow for proper cleaning and sanitization before the 11:00 AM service ​

  • All other areas within the church facility are closed at this time.


Please remain home if:

  • You or a family member have any symptoms of illness. If any question, take temperature at home and verify if running a fever.

  • Concerned about being in a high-risk category.

  • Uncomfortable being out in a group.

If you are planning to attend the 8:15 Traditional Service:

  • In each pew, allow a full arm span empty between you and the next family/household. (Social distancing)

  • Wear a face mask for the duration of the service.  If you forget your mask, we will provide one for you.

We fully understand if you are not comfortable getting out in large groups yet. We want you not only to be safe, but to feel safe as well. The above protections will have to remain in place for our protection at every service in the foreseeable future. We are always concerned about our church family’s health and safety but believe we should provide a group worship opportunity for those that want to take advantage of it and still maintain ways to connect to your church family online for those that do not. We pray that each family will make the correct decision for themselves concerning attendance. God knows our heart and will be pleased with our worship of Him if it is in group worship or at home virtually.

As the Covid-19 situation continues to change we will update this page with revised guidelines. We ask for your grace and understanding during this time. Please pray for our church family and our community. May many lost souls be saved in the coming days, weeks, and months.

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